It’s been exactly 1 year since Kate’s transplant. Wow, what a world of change we’ve seen. Recently, we’ve been looking at these journal updates from last year and looking at photos and reflecting on our time in the hospital last year. Wow, what a ton of emotions.

Kate’s doing awesome. She’s down to just her “maintenance” medications that she will be on for life. She’s found some therapists that are doing great work helping her make progress on the things she’s behind on. Even more than that, she’s laughing, playing and just having fun! It’s amazing to reflect back on last year and realize how bad she must have been feeling.

It’s hard to come up with words to share where my feelings are. We’ve said it before and can’t say it enough but thank you to everyone who supported us. From food, to visits in the lobby, to presents for Kate, and everything else. We really appreciated it and I don’t think we could have made it through without you.

If you want a recap of our journey, Audrey just finished updating the summary on the main page and it’s a great overview…maybe not short but much shorter than reading the entire journal here!

Now for some recent happy photos!

One final item.

Last year we shared lots of pictures and photos along our journey. There was a period immediately after transplant that we kept more private due to the severity of Kate’s condition. I still don’t think it’s finished yet but on the anniversary of her transplant date, I wanted to share a quick video of what Kate’s journey was from transplant through our discharge and a bit beyond. It’s a quick video with one second a day of at least one photo or video for each day starting just before transplant to release and beyond. It’s amazing to look back and see how strong Kate was through the whole process.

Warning that while there’s nothing overly graphic, there are lots of pumps, tubes and wires and a very sick 20-month-old.

Kate’s Recovery Journey December 2020 through the end of February 2021

One reply on “1 Year”

  1. No words to convey how much admiration we have for you all… for your perseverance and love for each other and little Kate.
    We send huge hugs across the miles and good wishes for a happy and healthy new year!

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