We thought it was about time for an update. 

Things have calmed down since our last update. No real change on the Hospital’s side but we’ve found more ways to deal with what the hospital throws at us. 

We are now more than 90 days into our stay. More than three months. Kate has been at the hospital more than ¼ of the year. It’s crazy to think about it that way. If we weren’t in a pandemic, this would be incredibly tough. As it is, Kate is likely getting more interaction with other adults than she would if we were at home right now. She’s regularly heading out to the front desk to interact with the staff working or hanging out there. Kate is walking by the rooms of other “long-timers” on the floor and waving hi to them. 

We *think* we may have moved from #3 to #2 on the local list. Hopefully, we’ll find out this week, but there was a call for a heart for Kate last week. She was number three on the list, and the person first on the list took the heart. Fingers crossed for a holiday miracle.

We had some other interesting news this week. As a part of the hospital testing, they did genetic testing on Kate to try and gain more information on the source of her issues. They weren’t expecting anything but they found a gene that may possibly be contributing to her heart issues. This could lead to some different treatment options. At the least, it provides some interesting information on the source for us.

With the holidays coming up, this is certainly going to be the strangest time ever. There’s really no way we will be home before Christmas. We’re starting to decorate the room; Audrey is listening to Christmas music and starting to practice playing it on her ukelele! People keep asking what Thanksgiving will be for us. We have some friends who are dropping off a meal for us on Thanksgiving day and we are looking forward to that. Other than that, it will be business as usual for us at the hospital. Later this week we have a mini christmas tree showing up so we’ll probably decorate it a bit. 

As always, we have our mealtrain up for anyone who feels up to making food for us or tossing some delivery giftcards our way. We have been enjoying the food and (adult) beverage drops from those who are able. We sincerely appreciate the gift cards too. Thanks for all the support!

Mask up and stay safe everyone!