Well this is a quick update after yesterday…

Yesterday Kate was a champ. She had a bit of a tough night recovering but she’s closer to her normal self as I write this on Tuesday around noon. 

We talked to the transplant team this morning. The entire Cardiology team discussed Kate’s condition at a meeting today and she’s to the point where they want her back in-patient on some stronger meds sooner rather than later. They would like this to happen in the next couple of weeks to the end of the month at the latest. Audrey and I talked and we are going to head in and start the process this Friday, August 21st. We will be in-patient from that point until Kate get’s a heart and has recovered. 

We had a great time this past weekend. We were mentally planning that yesterday would be the start of the long haul…and we’re still packed! 

It’s not easy but we have been expecting this. All this time we have been working with the transplant team to determine what is best for Kate. Up until this point they have been encouraging us to keep Kate home. That has changed now and that’s our signal that it’s time. We were hoping to keep her out through the pretty part of Fall and go back in late-September to early October but it’s time. We’re not looking forward to this at all but it needs to happen. 

It’s going to be tough as no visitors are allowed at all at Children’s. Luckily Audrey and I can both be there at any time. Adding the restrictions of COVID-19 world doesn’t help. 

I’m sure we’ll be sharing more regularly again. 

One reply on “A Next Step”

  1. We will be thinking of you and rooting for little Kate! You have been through such difficult times and in spite of it all are such brave troopers! We admire your courage and positivity and wish all good things will come to pass. Our hearts are with you!!!!!

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