Please read Dave’s Journal Entry first. This entry assumes that you have already read his.
Thanks for coming to our website. If you know me, you probably know that I don’t share personal things easily. This situation is no exception. Please know that I welcome any questions you have, at any time. Even if I do not offer the information, I am willing to answer questions. Don’t hesitate to ask. Dave and I are slowly mastering the skill of talking about this without tearing up, and they say practice makes perfect.

I attached a picture of a normal heart vs. a hypoplastic left heart syndrome heart. It is from the CDC article Dave linked to. Our daughter’s heart is not quite as bad as the one in the image, but it gives the general idea.
Right now, we are waiting to hear back from some questions we asked on Monday. There is a small chance of fetal surgery, possibly at Boston Children’s Hospital. We should know more in a week. Otherwise, it is just increased monitoring of this pregnancy, and waiting until she is born.
That moment, minutes after she is born, that they take her away will certainly be a sad one. We welcome any thoughts and prayers.