Yay for Christmas Miracles!

It’s Christmas day and we’ve had a couple good days! Yesterday, Kate got four tubes removed: her catheter, two nasal tubes, and her breathing tube! Kate is much more awake than previous days, too. These are pretty major step forward! The day was plenty challenging, with a lot of meds being changed and everything coming …

A look at the technical side

Kate is still improving today. Small steps. We’re not going to be making any big changes until Monday at the earliest. Today’s echo showed things still need time to recover and chill. There were a number of positive steps forward though. Today Kate started a tiny bit of tummy feeds. They are trying to get …

Successful Surgery – Taking Forward Steps

Kate had her surgery to replace the ECMO (ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) device with the RVAD (Right Ventricular Assist Device). ECMO was providing a full heart-lung bypass capability while RVAD is only assisting the right-side of her heart. Surgery went well. Kate’s lungs are working great. The left-side of her new heart is performing great. Her …

Another day, another update

Kate’s showing improvement. Her new heart is beating on its own. Originally, they had a pacemaker working pretty aggressively to make sure everything was behaving as needed. Today they dialed it back, and Kate’s heart is beating almost fully on its own. She is definitely showing signs of being herself, responding purposely to stimuli and …