Just a quick update for anyone following our saga with Kate’s health. 

Tomorrow morning, Wednesday, we head back to the hospital after 7 months for Kate’s 4th procedure. This time we are getting a feeding tube put in. She’s not eating enough and we need this to help supplement her eating to hopefully get her to climb back up the growth curve.

It’s been a stressful couple of months with lots of sickness since just before Christmas. Not major sickness, just colds, but Kate will take any excuse not to eat. We’re hoping this will take some of the stress off after we get through the “install”.

Overall the procedure is straight-forward, but as always, anytime anesthesia is involved, especially with a heart condition, we worry. We are expecting to be in-patient for at least a couple days. Hopefully, everything goes well and stays limited to that. 

We’ll try to be better at sharing and keeping in touch with people. Life has been challenging as of late and we have had our hands full. 

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