Sorry for the lack of updates. It’s been crazy busy and there hasn’t been much change.

We’re still waiting for the ductus to close. The latest echo couldn’t give us any hard numbers on if it’s getting closer to closing or not so we just hang out and try to be patient.

Kate is working hard on eating. Breastfeeding is still new and somewhat challenging but Kate and Audrey are doing awesome and are working together great as a team. Kate is still taking some breast milk by bottle and still is needing some given via a nasal feeding tube as they took her off IV nutrition totally a while ago. Her weight is great, she just doesn’t have the stamina to eat what she needs to take in to stay healthy and get bigger.

The plan right now is to do another echo later this week and see if there is any change. If nothing this week, we may be looking at a CT scan next week to get a better idea what the heart structures look like in 3D rather than the 2D of the echo via ultrasound.

In other news, we got moved again to yet a quieter part of the unit. We’re still two patients for one nurse but everyone around here seems to be pretty low-need in general and there is a distinct lack people running around with emergency carts dealing with unexpected alarms!

In other news, Sunday morning I got the opportunity to experience my first MASSIVE blow-out while holding Kate. The nurses quickly referred to it as a Code Brown. We somehow ended up with poop over Kate from the head down with no 2″ square section left uncovered. To top it off, all the lines had to be carefully disinfected too! Woo hoo! Mom was off at home for a well-deserved sleep-in morning so Dad got to deal with it on his own…well…with the help of the two nurses who showed up to the rescue!

That’s about it for now. We’re enjoying our South-West facing room to catch all the evening sunshine. The staff here are awesome and we are SUPER thankful for the Ronald McDonald house on site here for a nice spot to go grab a free meal or just get out of the room and chill for a bit. Thanks to everyone for all the support. We really appreciate it!

And now some cute pics!

PS: The gallery link at the top is where we are trying to regularly post photos to share. Check back often if you want cute baby pics!

One reply on “Day 12 – Still hanging in there”

  1. Looks like Kate is in great hands! She obviously has her own schedule for doing all sorts of new things. Take good care!

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