Yesterday, we had our second appointment with the heart doctors at Children’s Hospital. In brief, our daughter’s heart is still too small on the left side, but it did look better than the first appointment six weeks ago. Her aorta especially looked better. Her overall growth is good, 78% percentile. Of course, per Dave’s big head, her head is in the mid 80’s percentile-wise. We have another appointment, and possibly last prenatal appointment, in four weeks. Ultimately, nothing will be known or decided for certain until she is born.

It was nice that this appointment was only four hours instead of last time’s six hours. It was still full of all sorts of people, from the ultrasound tech, to the perinatal physician, pediatric cardiologist, social worker, and clinical care coordinator. Next time, we also get to meet with the NICU and the cardiac surgeons. Those are the people who have the most say over our daughter’s care.
The pediatric cardiologist was the same one as last time. Her reaction was extremely encouraging about how much improvement she had seen. The mitral valve is still probably the worst part of the heart. She gave us a new possible diagnosis to look up: Shone’s Syndrome.
Children’s Hospital has not received anything from Boston. We gave them the verbal report that Boston gave us, and Children’s agreed that she could have a two ventricle heart. They even agreed that the possibility existed that she might not even need the scary side effects drug PGE, but they cautioned that they like to be conservative, start the drug, and then stop it if not necessary.
Dave and I came with a whole page length of typed questions. Many of the questions involved the plan from here on out. They took the time to answer all our questions. It was very encouraging. In general, I am very happy that they had no problem with us staying with the midwives from the Minnesota Birth Center for both the weekly follow-ups starting at 32 weeks, and for delivery. We still have a few points of contention, but the conversation has been started. They have been warned what I want should medical conditions allow, and that I can be stubborn.
Dave will share his thoughts a bit later.