So the last update was the day of surgery. Things have been busy since then and are definitely looking up!
We’re 4 days post surgery now and we’ve been moved twice, each time to less intensive care areas! We are totally off oxygen now and totally off pain meds. The pulmonary hypertension seems to have gone away with the surgery! We’re struggling a bit with feeding, but that’s not unexpected. We’re back to just a handful of sensors, a nasal feeding tube and one IV! Our little girl is more and more normal each day! Today we even got the OK to take Kate for a walk outside in the upcoming days! Yay!
With things progressing, our question was, what is the next step? What’s left before we get to go home? Right now the answer is work on feedings. With the nasal feeding tube, we’re making sure she’s getting all the food she needs. We just need to keep trying to get as much as possible by mouth.
Pre and post-surgery Kate is like a different baby. She has so much more energy. She’s less likely to get frustrated eating. It’s amazing how having enough blood flow to the body does a baby good!
Overall, it’s been a super positive couple of days. Thanks a ton to everyone who’s been so supportive. This has been such a huge and emotional process, it’s really nice to have lots of support.
Hands Post surgery Brave Bear First big feed! Happy in a swing!
Wonderful!!! Very great news. Keep on eating, Kate.
Great job, Audrey and Dave with comforting Kate and helping her get the nutrients she needs.
So happy to hear she is doing so well! Sending our love and hugs!!!!