Progress…but slow

Very short update today. More check marks in the win column today. None in the loss column. We’re struggling with communication issues at the hospital but hoping we made progress today. Hopeful for some tests tomorrow.

It’s tough seeing Kate crying through her sedation. Ugg.

Even with the above, she has a new heart. There is a path. We will get through this.

2 replies on “Progress…but slow”

  1. Hearing a baby cry is always the most heartbreaking sound. Glad to hear you are still moving toward your ultimate goal. ❤️❤️?

  2. When you can’t “fix it” the helpless feeling is heartbreaking. I hear you, and we are all here for you, Audrey, and Kate. Keep the wins coming, and lean on us when you need to. You two are amazing parents, we are sorry for the frustrations and helpless feelings. One day at a time. Xoxoxox, hang in there ❤️

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