Kate had her surgery to replace the ECMO (ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) device with the RVAD (Right Ventricular Assist Device). ECMO was providing a full heart-lung bypass capability while RVAD is only assisting the right-side of her heart.

Surgery went well. Kate’s lungs are working great. The left-side of her new heart is performing great. Her right-side is still struggling against the high pressures in her lungs but the RVAD is helping with this now.

Things feel much more stable. We went from 3 staff in the small hospital room at all times down to one. The large closet-sized ECMO device was replaced with a small media cart sized pump. Several of Kate’s chest tubes are gone and her chest is sealed up again. Things are feeling more positive.

We still have a long road ahead of us. Kate needs to keep her breathing tube and needs to stay sedated for the time being.

Thanks for all the support everyone. We don’t have the capacity to reply to everyone but rest assured we are reading each and every comment and reaction and really appreciate them.

3 replies on “Successful Surgery – Taking Forward Steps”

  1. all our love from Roseville – we don’t need a response from you, just that you know we’re thinking of all three of you every day! Glad things are feeling more positive, it certainly sounds like a lot of progress towards that side of the scale today!

  2. You guys are never far from my thoughts. I can’t even begin to imagine what this has been like for you guys, but I do not Kate is lucky to have two of the best parents I know. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. So happy to hear of the good progress! We can’t imagine the stress that you’re going through, but want you to know that we’re with you in spirit! Sending Love from Jeff and I!

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