Ways to Help

Quick List

The following are ways that you can help. Each bullet point is linked to more details below.

Invite Us Out

Help us get out and be social. Kate loves getting out and checking out the world! We love showing it to her! A big way to help is to reach out and invite us out. Your place, a brewery, a kid friendly location, whatever.

Be a Good Listener

Honestly, the best way that you can help is by being a good listener when talking to us about this issue. Recent research (yes, research, we are both data driven folk) by the Harvard Business Review had some interesting things to say about good listening, both in general and how to listen when someone is venting. Each emphasized focusing on emotions before moving on to suggestions or problem solving.

In brief for general listening, in order, focus on the other person and remove distractions; understand what the other person is saying and ask clarifying questions; pay attention to non-verbal cues; identify, acknowledge, and empathize with the speakers emotions; and only then offer insight and suggestions.

In brief for venting, ask a series of 3 questions. For each question, focus on the words that have the greatest emotional inflection. Ask more about that. Questions:
1. What are you most frustrated about?
2. What are you most angry about?
3. What are you really worried about?
“After they get their feelings off their chest, that’s when they can then have a constructive conversation with you. And not before.”

Especially Appreciated Article Excerpts:

Pass Along Hand-Me Downs

We welcome hand-me-downs. If it is good enough for Goodwill, it is good enough for us. We’re having a girl, but we can only handle so much pink and purple. Audrey personally prefers blue and green. Let’s go for the whole rainbow. Clothes from a little boy are just fine, too. We welcome hand-me-downs at any time.

Request a Recipe to Make

We would love homemade food that we don’t have to make. Unfortunately, Audrey has food allergies to dairy and gluten. To make it worse, she tends to not have an appetite when stressed. Dave’s gotten really good at making food that Audrey can and will actually eat. If you would like to make us some homemade food, contact Dave or Audrey for a recipe that would work for our current situation. That would be totally amazing.

Want to Contribute?

If you would like to contribute with either cash, goods, or services, you can do that here.

Pay-pal to dave@droyer.org or Venmo are also an option.