It’s time for another update! I swear I am trying to help Audrey find time to share her thoughts but today you get my update again! Today’s update is quick.

Yesterday Kate had a CT scan that showed her PDA mostly closed (echo today shows it slightly open but that’s OK). The PDA closing is what we have been waiting for for 3 weeks now. That CT scan showed the left side of the heart is likely OK and we will likely not have to deal with HLHS. It’s not ruled out but they aren’t looking at that at this point. The same scan did show a pretty severe coarctation of the aorta. This is a narrowing of the artery that sends oxygen-rich blood to the entire body. This isn’t unexpected and was on the table as one of the “better” options we were hoping for all along.

Today we finally have the starting point for our plan! Friday Kate goes in for surgery to repair the coarctation.

This is just the next step and we will likely be here in the hospital at least another month, with recovery and other procedures. There’s a chance we may be in here longer. At this point we’re taking things one day at a time.

If you want to read more about coarctation of the aorta, Mayo has a great article about it.

We are still trying to add photos to our album. Below are a hand full of recent ones but if you need more, check out the album regularly!

One reply on “We have a next step!”

  1. My prayers & love are still going your way, hoping all will be well with little Kate’s healing or minimal surgery. OX Aunt Cynthia

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