Making progress! Yesterday we moved from our room in the super intense front of the unit to the room right next to our old room! Yay! Kate has been weaning her pain meds and respiratory support like a champ. Kate is sitting up unsupported for longer periods of time and even stood for a tiny bit today.
Kate’s still extremely weak and tired but seeing we are on day 24 or 25 post transplant and only 9 days since her last chest opening surgery, she’s a champ. Withdrawal is slow and still difficult to watch. We have a long road ahead but every day we are seeing the road get clearer and clearer. We’re down to 7 IV pumps today!
Yesterday when we moved rooms, Kate was crazy excited to be in the hallway again. She was smiling, laughing and waving all over the place! She was sad that the parade only lasted a short bit and was balling and asking for more right away. It was very cute. Here’s 2 videos of Kate’s “parade” from the old room to the new room.
Kate is back to using all her signs, and is regularly showing dad new signs for favorite songs. I don’t know if mom is teaching her or mom just is quicker to understand but she is regularly requesting quite a few songs from YouTube.
Today we got to go for a wagon ride and we sat up in our chair and played with a bucket of water! Lots of progress happening. It’s fun to see things progressing. Our biggest medical issues right now are just the consequences of being intubated and sedated for so long!
Wagon Ride Water Play Mommy Snuggles Mommy and Kate Snuggles Kate in a parade! Down to 7 IV pumps!
Great progress!!! Yah, Kate and Mom and Dad and all the medical staff!!!
Grandma Denise
Wow, this is awesome! Kate is amazing, as are her mom and dad. I’m so thrilled for all of you!
Love, Aunt Judi