Second Fetal Echocardiogram

Yesterday, we had our second appointment with the heart doctors at Children’s Hospital. In brief, our daughter’s heart is still too small on the left side, but it did look better than the first appointment six weeks ago. Her aorta especially looked better. Her overall growth is good, 78% percentile. Of course, per Dave’s big …

Update from Boston Children’s Hospital

About a week ago, I contacted Boston Children’s Hospital for a second opinion. They are the world leader in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), and do many things that other places don’t, such as fetal surgery.  Monday, they finally received all of our medical records. A doctor, Dr. Friedman, reviewed the results and actually had …

Brave Bear Royer’s Health Journey

Our 20 week ultrasound was not a happy day full of pretty pictures, but instead the start of a long journey to address a critical congenital heart defect. Follow along by reading our Journal. These journal entries make the most sense if you read them all, from oldest to newest. If you haven’t already, we encourage …